To whom it may Concern,
I would like to thank Venus Supplies Company for going above and beyond what is asked of them every time they are called on. Venus has been very prompt to take any requests, even when it is inconvenient, to serve Driscoll. There was specifically a time when we needed large equipment delivered to the site at the end of the day on a Friday. After calling multiple suppliers in a panic, Venus was the first to respond and made a way out of what seemed impossible. The equipment made it to the site safely and exactly when it was needed, thanks to Venus and the quick reaction time of Terry Girifalco. Terry makes us feel like we are deeply cared for by checking in on us to make sure we are okay, or just stopping by to say hello. Terry’s warm and inviting personality speaks volumes of hospitality that we can look forward to in the future while doing business with Venus.
I am looking forward to future business and developing a strong business relationship with Venus.
With Pleasure,
Jared Elias Lawrence
MEP Field Engineer
LF Driscoll Company LLC/Comcast. TC
1717 Arch Street, 1st Floor
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Cell: 610-721-3024